Thank you all for your interest in our study. As of July 31, 2017 we are no longer enrolling participants in our study.



Who can see my answers to the questions during the study visit?


No one but you.  You will be in a private room when you answer the questions on the computer.  After you have completed the study visit, the research team will be able to see the answers you gave but they will be identified only with a code number. Only the most senior researchers on the team will be able to link your identity to the answers to your questions and they will only do this for the purpose of joining the different sets of data.


Will I be interacting with anyone during the study?


When you arrive at our lab for your study visit, a trained female researcher will guide you through the informed consent process and answer any questions you may have. However, you will be by yourself in your own private room while you are reading through and answering questions about the story. At no point will you be interacting with any males, any other participants, or anyone other than the female research staff.


Will I be drinking alcohol during the study visit?


Half of the participants will receive an alcoholic beverage and half will receive a non-alcoholic beverage.  The decision about who receives which type of beverage is made randomly based on a computer algorithm.  We do not know in advance which type of beverage you will receive during the study visit, so you must be prepared to spend up to 8 hours in our lab if you do get assigned to the group that receives alcohol.  If you are asked to drink an alcoholic beverage it will be made up of vodka and juice.  Those that receive a non-alcoholic beverage will receive juice only.


When does the study take place?


Once you have been screened into the study, you will have one week to take the baseline survey. After you’ve completed the baseline survey, we will send you an email with a link to your first daily diary assessment.  We will send you an additional link every day for the next 31 days, for a total of 32 daily diary assessments sent overall.  


After you complete your online survey, we will schedule you for an appointment to come into our lab for the study visit. We schedule appointments throughout the day Monday – Friday and, very occasionally, on Saturdays.  We will work with you to find a time that meets your schedule.


What if I can’t make it to my scheduled appointment?

We will work with you to try and reschedule your appointment.  However, you must complete your study visit within two months of completing the online survey.  If you are unable to do this, we will still pay you for completing the baseline survey ($20), any daily diary assessment ($5 each), and any bonuses you have earned.  We can either mail you a check or you can come by and pick it up.  You won’t be eligible for the bonus drawing.


How long will the study take?


The online parts of the study should take no longer than 5 hours total over a period of about 5 weeks.  The baseline survey takes, on average, 45 minutes and each of the daily diary assessments should take 5-10 minutes.  When you come in for your study visit, you will be here between 3 and 8 hours, depending on whether you are assigned to receive an alcoholic beverage or a non-alcoholic beverage.


Can I be screened for the study over email?


Unfortunately, we can only screen people for eligibility over the phone. We cannot guarantee the confidentiality of email communication.


How much will I get paid?


You will get $20 for completing the online survey, $5 for completing each daily diary assessment, and $15/hour for the time you spend in our lab for your study visit, which should take between 3 and 8 hours. In addition, we will guarantee that you make $50 for the study visit, even if your visit is less than the expected 3 hours. You can also receive a $20 bonus if you complete 75% (at least 24 out of 32) of the daily diary assessments and come into the lab for the study visit.

For example, if you complete the baseline survey, fill out 16 daily diary assessments, and come into the lab for a study visit that lasts 6 hours, you will receive $210.  If you complete the baseline survey, 28 daily diary assessments, and spend 3 hours in the lab, you will receive $230.  And, if you complete the baseline survey, all 32 daily diary assessments, and spend 8 hours in the lab you will receive $320.

When will I get paid?

You will receive a check when you complete your in-lab study visit.  If you are unable to come into the lab for the study visit during the two month study window, we will mail you a check for the amount we owe you for completing any of the online surveys.  We will not mail the check until the 2 month study window has passed and you will have to make sure that we have a valid mailing address.  Alternately, you can come by our lab to pick up your check.

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